Understanding the world

Marshmallow sparklers
I made this recipe for my ALN class for Bonfire Night. It was a big hit! Easy to make and easy to read instructions.

Summer Activity book
Created this for my class to take home over the Summer break.
Consists of 20 pages of a mixture of fun activities.

Micro habitats of the world - 6 PPTs
I made these as part of our ongoing habitat project in which the pupils made dioramas of their chosen habitats. They had looked at the larger animals that live in these habitats so I developed these PPTs for each pupil so that they start to understand the complexity of each habitat.
Each PPT has an introductory video (under 10 mins) to support understanding of the task. Task is to place the correct insects/small animals onto the habitat picture. Each pupil will need to explain why they think it is suited to its habitat (adaptations) and think about whether it is predator or prey. My class are ALN (SEN) so I have a classbook that I will record oral discussion in. You could easily adapt this so that these questions are either on the presentation itself or on a worksheet or as a grouped task with a class presentation.
The PPT will need to be viewed in edit not presentation mode to allow pupils to drag and drop the items.
Can be edited and expanded upon to save time.
Spent all morning doing this so save yourself the time!
Please let me know if any problems :-)

Remembrance Day Construction Challenge
I made this challenge card to pop in our construction area in Enhanced Provision to tie in with and extend thinking opportunities for Remembrance Day.

Who is your neighbour HWB/RE lesson plan and PPT
Created for online delivery. Linked to Welsh standards. Based around Bible Reading Luke 10:25 and being a good samaritan / being an ethical global citizen with independent tasks for pupils after lesson.
I linked the pupil evaluation in the PPT to a Google form.